
Forest carbon payments : A multidisciplinary review of policy options for promoting carbon storage in EU member states

Year of publication



Assmuth, Aino; Autto, Hilja; Halonen, Kirsi-Maria; Haltia, Emmi; Huttunen, Suvi; Lintunen, Jussi; Lonkila, Annika; Nieminen, Tiina M.; Ojanen, Paavo; Peltoniemi, Mikko; Pietilä, Kirsi; Pohjola, Johanna; Viitala, Esa-Jussi; Uusivuori, Jussi


Forest carbon sinks can play an important role in mitigating climate change, but currently only a few policies exist globally where economic incentives are created for forest owners to maintain and strengthen sinks. This article aims to facilitate the design and implementation of governmental payment schemes for forest carbon uptake services by presenting a multidisciplinary analysis of the many challenges involved in such schemes and by proposing potential solutions. We assess the consequences, opportunities, and risks of carbon payment schemes from economic, ecological, social, and legal points of view based on existing literature. Our analysis is set in the context of the European Union (EU), but many of the central findings have relevance for a broader geographical area. The main economic challenges of implementing carbon payment schemes relate to potential leakage, the question of additionality, and uncertain forest-owner behavior. The most important ecological considerations include effects on soil carbon dynamics and biodiversity as well as issues of non-permanence and forest resilience. Our exploration of the social acceptance of carbon payments among the general public, key market actors such as forest owners and forest industry, and other stakeholders suggest that both the process of developing the scheme and its details are significant. Further, our legal analysis indicates that central challenges for carbon payment schemes within the EU rise from the requirement to comply with competition and state aid regulations. Finally, we synthesize our findings and suggest a two-step approach for introducing public carbon payments in an EU member state. Initially, the scheme could be launched via De minimis aid or the new aid scheme (GAFSRA). A low carbon price could be applied to moderate market effects, and the payments could be limited to additional carbon storage only. Peatlands, where tradeoffs exist between tree biomass carbon and soil carbon, should initially be excluded from the standard payment scheme, and regulated with command-and-control instruments and measure-based payments instead. In the future, an improved knowledge base and institutional changes may enable schemes that encompass all ecosystem carbon pools on all relevant soil types and create optimal incentives for both forest management and land-use choices by pricing all land-based sinks and emissions. Such schemes could utilize, e.g., cap-and-trade instruments and be complemented by import tariffs to control carbon leakage.
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Organizations and authors

Finnish Environment Institute

Lonkila Annika Orcid -palvelun logo

Pietilä Kaisa

Huttunen Suvi Orcid -palvelun logo

Pohjola Johanna

Natural Resources Institute Finland

Ojanen Paavo Orcid -palvelun logo

Nieminen Tiina M Orcid -palvelun logo

Haltia Emmi Orcid -palvelun logo

Viitala Esa-Jussi

Assmuth Aino Orcid -palvelun logo

Lintunen Jussi Orcid -palvelun logo

Peltoniemi Mikko Orcid -palvelun logo

Uusivuori Jussi

LUT University

Huttunen Suvi Orcid -palvelun logo

University of Lapland

Autto Hilja

Halonen Kirsi-Maria Orcid -palvelun logo

Publication type

Publication format


Parent publication type


Article type

Review article





MINEDU's publication type classification code

A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review

Publication channel information

Parent publication name

Land Use Policy





Article number


​Publication forum


​Publication forum level


Open access

Open access in the publisher’s service


Open access of publication channel

Partially open publication channel



Other information

Fields of science

Economics; Law; Social and economic geography; Other social sciences; Environmental sciences; Ecology, evolutionary biology; Forestry; Social policy


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Internationality of the publisher




International co-publication


Co-publication with a company




The publication is included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Publication data collection
