Physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood : patterns of change, and their associations with activity domains and sedentary time

Physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood : patterns of change, and their associations with activity domains and sedentary time

Year of publication



Aira, Tuula; Vasankari, Tommi; Heinonen, Olli Juhani; Korpelainen, Raija; Kotkajuuri, Jimi; Parkkari, Jari; Savonen, Kai; Uusitalo, Arja; Valtonen, Maarit; Villberg, Jari; Vähä-Ypyä, Henri; Kokko, Sami Petteri


Background: Longitudinal studies demonstrate an average decline in physical activity (PA) from adolescence to young adulthood. However, while some subgroups of adolescents decrease activity, others increase or maintain high or low activity. Activity domains may differ between subgroups (exhibiting different PA patterns), and they offer valuable information for targeted health promotion. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify PA patterns from adolescence to young adulthood; also to explore the associations of (i) changes in PA domains and in sedentary time, (ii) sociodemographic factors, and (iii) self-rated health with diverging PA patterns. Methods: The observational cohort study data encompassed 254 adolescents at age 15 and age 19. K-means cluster analysis for longitudinal data was performed to identify participant clusters (patterns) based on their accelerometry-measured moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Logistic regressions were applied in further analysis. Results: Five PA patterns were identified: inactivity maintainers (n = 71), activity maintainers (n = 70), decreasers from moderate (to low) PA (n = 61), decreasers from high (to moderate) PA (n = 32), and increasers (n = 20). At age 15, participation in sports clubs (SC, 41–97%) and active commuting (AC, 47–75%) was common in all the patterns. By age 19, clear dropout from these activities was prevalent (SC participation mean 32%, AC 31–63%). Inactivity maintainers reported the lowest amount of weekly school physical education. Dropout from SC – in contrast to non-participation in SC – was associated with higher odds of being a decreaser from high PA, and with lower odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Maintained SC participation was associated with higher odds of belonging to the decreasers from high PA, and to the combined group of activity maintainers and increasers; also with lower odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Maintenance/adoption of AC was associated with decreased odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Self-reported health at age 19 was associated with the patterns of maintained activity and inactivity. Conclusions: PA patterns diverge over the transition to adulthood. Changes in SC participation and AC show different associations with diverging PA patterns. Hence, tailored PA promotion is recommended.
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Organizations and authors

University of Oulu

Korpelainen Raija Orcid -palvelun logo

University of Jyväskylä

Villberg Jari

Kotkajuuri Jimi

Kokko Sami Orcid -palvelun logo

Aira Tuula Orcid -palvelun logo

University of Turku

Heinonen Olli

University of Helsinki

Uusitalo Arja

Tampere University

Parkkari Jari

Vasankari Tommi

Publication type

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Original article





MINEDU's publication type classification code

A1 Journal article (refereed), original research

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Fields of science

Sport and fitness sciences; Forensic science and other medical sciences; General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine; Health care science; Public health care science, environmental and occupational health

Publication country

United Kingdom

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International co-publication


Co-publication with a company




The publication is included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Publication data collection


Physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood : patterns of change, and their associations with activity domains and sedentary time -