Displaying results 1 - 10 / 875
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Projects information icon6G Flagship - 6G-Enabled Wireless Smart Society & EcosystemResearch Council of FinlandOulun yliopisto2025Projects information iconFinal Ecosystem Services in Transition: a View from the Aquatic Landscape (FESTiVAL)Research Council of FinlandSuomen ympäristökeskus2025Projects information iconSecuCoast - Security and management of Coastal groundwater resources and marine ecosystem servicesResearch Council of FinlandGeologian tutkimuskeskus2025Projects information iconREACTION - Navigating the Risks of Hydroclimatic Extremes for Freshwater Ecosystem Services in Forest LandscapesResearch Council of FinlandLuonnonvarakeskus2025Projects information iconCo-creating pathways to desirable nature futures of temperate lakesResearch Council of FinlandSuomen ympäristökeskus2025Projects information iconEnhanced understanding of CarbOn and groundWAter Dynamics in European peatlands and their related ecosystem services (ECO-WADE)Research Council of FinlandGeologian tutkimuskeskus2025Projects information iconCREATE. Cross-REalm modelling and assessment of Aquatic ecosystem services: Towards a science-based design of nature-based solutions to tackle EutrophicationResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2025Projects information iconImpacts of climate, N and P deposition and land use on water as a driver of the greenhouse gases regulatory ecosystem service in headwater catchmentsResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2025Projects information iconMultidimensional data analysis for the management of river ecosystems through multiscale automatic toolsResearch Council of FinlandMaanmittauslaitos2025Projects information iconThe changing farmland ecosystems and bird communities- insights into long term structural changes, functional biodiversity and dynamics of crop rotationKone FoundationMaria Honkanen, University of Helsinki2025